Our Mission
- Florida End-of-Life Options, formerly called Florida Death with Dignity, is a non-profit grass roots movement dedicated to impacting the legal status of medical aid in dying (MAiD) in Florida.
- Our goal is to make it possible for Floridians with a terminal illness to access the same autonomy and individual freedom while dying as they benefited from while healthy.
- Our purpose is to educate, promote, and raise awareness in individuals, organizations, and communities.
The Current Status of the Medical Aid-in-Dying Legislation
2/7/2025: Florida End-of-Life Options Act filed in the House as HB471 by Representative Casello. The bill is soon to be filed in the Senate. Click here for a link to HB471.
Meet Rita During Giving Tuesday
December, 2024. Giving Tuesday – we honor the memory of Rita Mannebach, a passionate supporter and volunteer for our organization since April 2021. Rita, wife, mother, grandmother, social worker, elementary school teacher, counselor and principal, Hospice volunteer and End of Life Doula. Rita was diagnosed this past year with a terminal illness with less than 6 months to live. She chose to use medical aid in dying (MAiD) as her end-of-life option, BUT since Florida has yet to legalize MAiD, she and her family had to travel to Vermont, where MAiD is legal for non-residents.
“She had the opportunity to pass in the way that was important to her…painfree…fearlessly…surrounded by family” said Mike, Rita’s son. Click here to listen to an excerpt from Orlando NPR interviewer, Cheryn Stone, who interviewed Mike and Tony Ray, President of Florida Death with Dignity, after Rita’s passing.
Please consider helping those like Rita, to have a choice to use medical aid in dying without having to leave Florida. Donate here. .
R.I.P Rita

About Us
The Florida End-of-Life Options organization is a grassroots movement determined to raise awareness and fight for expanding end-of-life options in the state of Florida.

Only one in five Americans lives in a jurisdiction with access to medical aid in dying. The movement gathers strength every time someone shares their story.

How You Can Help
Supporting Florida End-of-Life Options is an opportunity for you to make a difference reducing suffering for Floridians with a terminal illness. Volunteer or donate today!
Volunteer Opportunities
Public Education at Events & Fairs
Advocacy: Interfacing with Legislators
Office support: Data entry, research
Communication: Newsletters, Social Media
Volunteers: Managing, Coordinating, Training
Are you ready to join us
on our mission?
It is time for the Sunshine State to join other jurisdictions having a death with dignity law, to make it possible for Floridians with a terminal illness to access the same autonomy and individual freedom while dying as they enjoyed while living.