November 2023 Villagers for Death with Dignity meeting
Our 1st Villagers for Death with Dignity Meeting in The Villages was a success! Our attendees were treated to informative...
March 2023, Letter to the Editor, Miami Herald, Life and Death, by Tom Nagle Letter to the Editor Recently a...
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — A Florida non-profit organization is pushing for a law to allow people with terminal illnesses to...
Letter to the Editor discusses End of Life Options – 1/31/2023. Regional Director, Catherine Wallace, discusses Medical Aid in...
Florida Death with Dignity nonprofit founder hopes to introduce bill to assist terminally ill adults – 1/22/2023 The...
(, October 22, 2012) My tragic father convinced me on deathbed I was wrong about right to die: Former Cabinet...
( November 14,2021) “I am 84 and have no desire, to put it bluntly, to be tortured to death. I’ve...
(, April 9, 2021) “The Elizabeth Whitefield End-of-Life Options Act will go into effect on June 18, 2021, ninety days...