Tom Nagle, PhD – Letter to the Editor, Miami Herald supporting medical aid in dying
March 2023, Letter to the Editor, Miami Herald, Life and Death, by Tom Nagle
Letter to the Editor
Recently a “Death with Dignity” bill (SB864) was filed in the Florida Senate. This is a bill that that should be of paramount importance to every Floridian because death is something that everyone of us will ultimately face. For some of us and our loved ones, death may come easily. But for those unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with one of many terrifying but incurable diseases, the prognosis for a natural death can be filled with intense pain, serious mental deterioration, and loss of control over functions as basic as breathing.
In a humane society, no one should be forced to experience such an end by legal restrictions that prevent physicians from giving medical aid in dying. Senate Bill 864 would enable terminally ill Floridians to request, and legally obtain, medication to die in a peaceful, humane, and dignified manner at a time of their choosing—averting a miserably uncomfortable end. The experiences of 10 other states where such freedom already exists demonstrate that medical aid in dying can be managed without the risk of abuse.
I hope to live the rest of my life knowing that if I or my wife ever gets a terrible terminal diagnosis, we will be able to get medical aid in dying to experience a comfortable end of life without having to leave our home in Florida.
Thomas Nagle, Ph.D.